Saturday 15 March 2014

Art History Quiz for our March 25th General Meeting

The Guggenheim Collection at the AGO has given us the opportunity to view and have a beginning understanding of Modern Art.   Please write True or False next to the following statements.

Seven (7) correct answers will give you the opportunity to participate in the draw at the AGM in October.

1. - Modern Art and Contemporary Art refer to the same thing.

2. -  The evolution to modern art was ignited by the artists who rebelled against the formal, academic and rigid art form that began in the 16th century and continued through the era of Impressionism.

3. -   Solomon Guggenheim and his niece Peggy were life-long collectors of modern art and bought many of their pieces directly from the artists.

4. - Peggy Guggenheim accepted pieces from the Dada and Futurist periods and followed Marcel Duchamp's philosophy of art.

5. - Marcel Duchamp said that "retinal" art is the only acceptable type of art because it pleases the eye.

6. - The Dada movement created controversial and innovative art forms that revolutionized the art world.

7. -  Van Gogh, Cezanne, Gauguin and Matisse were some of the avant guard artists who began the era of Modern Art, which lasted about 110 years.

8. - Modern Art was influenced by social changes caused by the Industrial Revolution, World War I and World War II.

9. -  A modern artist looks away from  narrative and traditionally structured canvases and concentrates on using texture, brush stroke and mixed media to create artwork that gives priority to the elements of composition.

10. - The elements of composition include unity; balance, movement, rhythm, and focus by managing line, colour, value-tone, texture, space and shape.

Please bring  your completed quiz and enter into the draw. OFAA meeting March 25th on the 3rd floor of OMAH   See  you there!

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